Important Information
Acceptance into the Big South requires that teams not only register and pay the entry fee, but maintain a confirmed hotel reservations through our housing agent, THS, at an approved hotel.
In order for teams to reserve hotel rooms, they must be registered in the event and have a paid entry fee.
With the exception of Loyalty contracts, For teams booking a General Hotel Reservation, the requirement for each TEAM is 15 room nights. (5 rooms for 3 nights or 3 rooms for 5 nights, etc) Reservations for multiple teams cannot be combined into one contract.
Individual and group reservations can be applied to this minimum for General bookings.
For teams booking a Loyalty Reservation, the requirement for each TEAM is 90% of their original booking.

Who Determines Stay & Play?
The Big South determines the guidelines and procedures for the Stay and Play Policy. THS, then, implements the Policy.

Why Does Big South Use Stay & Play?
Stay and Play Policy is the single most effective tool we have to encourage hotels to work with us to provide room blocks for teams at discounted group prices and to encourage hotels within walking distance of the convention center to provide more rooms.

What Is An Approved Hotel?
Approved Hotels are hotels that contract with The Big South, through THS, to offer rooms for teams attending the tournament at a set price. The list of Approved Hotels is available here.

Why Isn't The Hotel I Want Approved?
We consider proposals from any hotel that wants to be on our Approved List. However, no one can force a hotel to offer a room block for an event; it’s a business decision by the hotel. Below are some reasons why hotel's have not been approved to the list:
The hotels may have other business booked and therefore do not have rooms available.
The hotels offer rooms at rates we think are too high.
The hotels are just not suitable for youth sports teams or prefer not to do business with sports teams.

Who Is THS?
THS is a sports housing company that manages reservations for the room blocks at our Approved Hotels.

How Do I Maintain Acceptance Status?
A team must, at all times between accepting a hotel room contract through the finish of the event, have a minimum of 15 room nights or 90% of their contract, whichever is greater, in order to maintain their accepted status into The Big South.

What Happens If I Don't Have 15 Room Nights?
If at any time your room reservation falls below the minimums required, THS or Big South will contact you and you will have 24 hours to correct the situation. After 24 hours, if the situation is not corrected, your acceptance status into The Big South may be cancelled or a financial penalty will be required to be reinstated. The amount of the penalty is determined by the event at their sole discretion.

What If My Hotel Contract and Tournament Entry Are Cancelled?
All hotel deposits and entry fees previously paid are non-refundable. If you decide to re-enter The Big South, you must start the entry process over and your application date (used to determine the order teams are accepted into The Big South) becomes the date when you complete the new tournament registration and hotel reservations.

For all hotel questions regarding your reservations, please contact THS directly at (888) 536-8326.